Ini cookies fenomenal banget. Mostly foodie blogger ato anggota milis pasti tau... Dan buat aku, rasanya soooo heavenly mixed... Tapiiii.... Sampe bener bener cantik dipandang enak dimakan panjaaaaang banget perjuangannya. 5x (cateeet, 5x bo!) bikin, baru yang terakhir ini mendekati bener. Percobaan yang lalu2, kalo ngga meleber menuhin loyang -bahkan sebelum dipanggang- dan akhirnya berakhir jadi brownies, ato ngga bisa dikeletek dari loyangnya (salahnya ngotot ngga pake parchment paper), ato ngga retak sama sekali....
Yang perlu diinget, pemakaian coklat pengaruh banget bikin cookies ini cantik. Percobaan yang lalu2 aku pakenya emang C****, secara rumah di leuweung adanya ya cuma ituh. Yang ini pake Fazer dark chocolate hasil ngumpetin oleh2 dari ci ayah sebelum keburu dimakan anak2 (huehehehehe.... kalo udah jadi cookies gini lebih enak kan, naaak?) Padahal dibungkusnya aku baca cocoa solid 'cuma' 47%. Dasar yak! emang maunya coklat mahal aja baru berhasil... Untungnya emang bener2 berhasil. Kalo gagal lagi, ngga kebayang deh itu 2 bar coklat....
Pas nungguin batch pertama dipanggang, deg2annya setengah mati... sambil tetep nyiapin loyang brownies kali aja meleber lagi kayak biasanya, hehehe. Tapi ternyata nggak. Apalagi pas menit ke-8 mulai cracking cantik, aiiiih... noraknya mulai keluar deh. Teriak2 sendiri,hehehe... Dan ternyata pake parchment paper emang ngebantu banget... Gampang banget lepasnya, jadi bentuk ngga ancur (iyalah, beli parchment papernya aja dibelain keluar dari leuweung tercinta:)) Resepnya pastinya nyontek dari pennylanekitchen, makanya namanya pennylane cookies...
mbak riana, ijin copas resep ya...
PennyLane’s Chocolate Cookies
by: Riana Ambarsari
60 grams cake flour (low protein flour) --- kunci biru
1 teaspoon baking powder
450 grams bittersweet or semisweet chocolate, coarsely chopped--- fazer dark chocolate 47%
60 grams unsalted butter or margarine --- orchid unsalted : anchor bakers mix = 1:1
250 grams granulated white sugar
4 eggs, room temperature
1/4 teaspoon salt
4 gram instant coffee powder (2 sachet @ 2 grams), diluted with a few drops of hot water --- nescafe classic
1 tablespoon pure vanilla extract --- toffieco vanilla essence
175 grams semisweet dark chocolate chips --- van houten choc chips
175 grams white chocolate chips --- dengan sangat terpaksa di-skip karena gak ada, padahal gak recommend di-skip:(
200 grams your favorite nuts, coarsely chopped and toasted (I used 100 grams almond slices and 100 grams kenari nuts –what is kenari nut in English? Canary nut? Not walnut, mind you, they’re different. Some people refer it as Java Almond, if that could be of any help. Otherwise, just use whatever nuts you fancy) --- pakek mede & kenari
1. Mix together the flour and baking powder. Set aside.
2. Melt the chocolate and butter/margarine in a stainless steel bowl placed over a saucepan of simmering water, stirring until smooth. Remove from heat and set aside.
3. In the bowl of your electric mixer (or with a hand mixer), beat the sugar, eggs and salt until pale yellow and thick, about 5 minutes. Beat in the melted chocolate mixture, coffee and vanilla extract. Sift the flour mixture above the batter and fold it in. Mix only until incorporated. Stir in the chocolate chips and nuts. Cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate the batter until firm, about 30-60 minutes.
4. Preheat oven to 170-180 degrees Celcius and place rack in center of oven. Line baking sheets with parchment paper or silicone baking mat.
5. Using ice cream scoop, small or medium –whatever you prefer, scoop and drop batter onto prepared cookie sheets, spacing evenly. With moist fingers, press batter a little bit.Bake cookies about 10 - 12 minutes or until the tops of the cookies become dry and cracked, but are still shiny. Do not overbake these cookies.
6. Remove from oven and place baking pan on a wire rack to cool. When cookies are firm, remove from baking pan and let completely cool on rack.
Note dari yang punya resep:
* The time you need to let the batter harden in the fridge could be varied, depending on the chocolate you use. One chocolate could make the batter thicker or runnier than the other one. Check every 30 minutes, just until the batter is easy to scoop and drop without spreading.
* When you found your batter is too hard to scoop, or the cookies are too flat, it means the batter is too cold to begin with. Let it stand at room temperature until it reaches right consistency, then continue baking. The cookies should not be too flat.
owiyah, ini contekannya satu lagi juga dari mbak riana:
Untuk semuanya juga, kekentalan adonan telur juga berpengaruh di bentuk kue. Kocok telur sampai kental sekali, putih, berjejak, adonan mengalir lambat, membentuk pita besar. Kalo adonan gak mau kental, bantu dengan 1 sdt emulsifier. Suhu oven juga harus cukup panas, sehingga adonan langsung set ketika masuk oven.
Aku semuanya pake van houten –untuk alasan rasa–, kecuali chocolate chips putih (tulip).
happy baking!